Historical Properties - what you can do to honor the past
In the age of quick and massive expansion, there is more of an emphasis than ever before on maintaining the historical elements of an existing property. Many historic home and property owners are realizing a new passion for exploring the actual past of their property as well as investing in renovations that honor the historical design of the space.
Are you currently renovating a historic property or planning to soon? Here are a couple of considerations to get you started.
1) Check in with the local Chamber of Commerce or city records department
By researching build dates, ownership records, and issued permits, you’ll have a much more comprehensive understanding of the style and history of your space, deepening your attunement to where your property has been and where you’re going to take it! Through this process you’ll also be exposed to other potential permits you’ll be required to obtain in order to renovate an historic property.
2) Conduct an aesthetic investigation
What’s the design story of your property? 1858 Victorian? Tudor Revival? Craftsman? Once you understand the stylistic origins, begin searching under that category on Pinterest, Houzz, and through books at your local library. Take special note of fixtures, furniture styles, and how homes were decorated with the specific space constraints that were present in the build styles of that time.
3) Decorate appropriately
Many flea markets, antique shops, and auctions have specialty pieces that can give your space a direct connection to the past. For larger needs, consider companies that design quality products reminiscent of vintage items. For example, American Tin Ceilings manufactures incredible tin panels for ceilings, walls, and backsplashes, and Mantels Direct offers high quality wood, cast stone, and marble fireplace mantels and mantel shelves. For the finishing touches, Reggio offers our wood, cast iron, and and aluminum grilles in classic styles to give your space an authentic touch in the details.

4) Show it off!
Many communities dedicated to historic revival can be found online, especially at the state level. These are especially useful for getting connected to other preservationists who share stories on where they sourced materials, challenges they faced during their project, and valuable resources on permits and other restrictions.
At Reggio we hold a special place in our hearts for those who honor the old spaces, and our line of Traditional Scroll Registers have been used in tens of thousands of historic homes and buildings across America. Whether you’re just beginning your project or are well on your way, be sure to select our grilles and registers for their lifetime warranty, money back guarantee, and of course their stunning vintage looks!