3 Reasons Reggio Is Made in the USA (and always will be)

The Story of Vent Covers Made in the USA

Why do we love it when our stuff is made in the USA? It’s more than patriotism. It’s a way to help support our economy and secure the future of our country. In fact, in 2019, 62% of survey respondents said they preferred to buy American made products. And 20% said they’d be willing to pay more to get American made.

Person hand finishing a register.


Reggio is Made in the USA

Reggio Register is proudly made in the USA. Our craftspeople are very hands-on. Each and every register that comes out of our facility has been touched by human hands. We stand behind our work. We invite you to get to know Reggio better. Go behind the scenes and see exactly what goes into your registers made in the USA.

Our Made to Order registers are produced in a Massachusetts facility. The pattern is laser cut then sanded and filed by hand. The edges are smoothed then holes are drilled (if you specify that’s what you need). The registers are washed and dried thoroughly so they are ready for powder coating. Our Heritage collection registers are made by a similar process in a facility in Pennsylvania and finished in Massachusetts.

There’s a lot of options out there when it comes to shopping. Less expensive products from around the world are available to us at the touch of a button. When products show up on our doorstep, we think very little about what went on behind the scenes for that to happen. Take a moment with us to consider why “made in the USA” is more than a mantra. We’ll happily tell you why our vent covers are made in the USA. And why they always will be.


Seedlings in a plant starter.

It’s Good for the Environment

When manufacturing stays close to home, it cuts back on transportation. That’s less fuel used and less harmful greenhouse gas emissions put into the air. The U.S. also has many environmental manufacturing standards and incentives in place to do our part to care for the environment. Reggio is dedicated to doing all we can to support environmentally friendly practices.

Quality Transparency

American quality standards and business practice monitoring offer more transparency into the quality of a product. Reggio has been in business for over 40 years and quality is at the heart of everything we do. We have maintained long-term relationships with domestic suppliers who also pride themselves on craftsmanship and quality standards. Manufacturing in the USA allows us to partner with other suppliers and craftspeople who have the same commitment to quality that we do.

The seal of the U.S. Green Building Council.


Minimal Lead Times

An added perk of producing our products in the USA is decreased lead times. Since everything is done right here in the U.S., there’s no waiting for your registers to make their way across the ocean. We can deliver faster and keep shipping costs down by keeping our operations in the USA.

Reggio will continue to embrace our American heritage. It’s as much a part of who we are as our dedication to handcrafted registers. We will continue to strive to create products that reflect the high level of detail and quality that American-made products are famous for.

Take a closer look at the process behind vent covers made in the USA. Virtually visit our facility and get a look behind the scenes.

American Manufacturing at Reggio

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