How one Picture Took Us from Registers to Rescues

Bowser posing next to the new black metal register in “Square”. Photo Credit: Annemarie Dammeyer

When we saw this cutie soaking up the air next to one of our registers, we knew two things were going to happen. First, we had to know more about this sweetheart. Second, we had to do something to help other dogs like him.

Annemarie Dammeyer completed a bedroom remodel early in the spring of 2021. She wanted to snap some photos of the registers to share with us, but Bowser wasn’t too keen on giving up one of his favorite spots in the house.

Bowser is a blind rescue dog, and beloved of his family, the Dammeyers. Annemarie Dammeyer is a volunteer and board member at the Erie Humane Society in Erie, PA. As a “rescue mom” Dammeyer has discovered the joy, love, companionship, and security a rescued animal can bring to a home.

“There are too many misconceptions about shelter animals: they’re untrainable, damaged, sickly, etc. It’s simply not true,” said Dammeyer. In fact, sometimes rescues can be even more rewarding than getting a puppy. Sometimes they require extra time and love to gain trust, but that love and patience is often rewarded tenfold by these grateful little pets. Pets from the shelter are usually well-cared for and well-mannered. They benefit from veterinary care and training from experienced shelter technicians. It can make them an ideal pet.

Blind dog wearing special equipment.

Caring for a Special Needs Rescue

Bowser’s previous owner loved him deeply but suffered from Parkinsons and selflessly surrendered him to the Erie Humane Society so his glaucoma could be cared for. He had already lost a great deal of sight and was in pain. It was a tough decision to remove his eyes, but he has adapted perfectly.

When Bowser first came to the Dammeyers, he wore a “halo” that protected him as he got to know his new surroundings. “He is incredibly smart. He learned to navigate the whole house—and the stairs—in one month,” said Dammeyer. Bowser, like most special needs pets, uses his remaining senses to compensate for any losses.

The Erie Humane Society, a no-kill shelter, rescues many special needs animals. Blind, deaf, amputees, and fearful animals can be rehabilitated and live full lives. Without shelters like these, these animals might be denied the opportunity to bring joy to their prospective families.

These days, Bowser is just a regular dog who can sniff out treats in seconds, loves daily walks, and rolls over for belly rubs. We owe our gratitude to shelters like the Erie Humane Society and rescue moms like Annemarie Dammeyer for the happiness pets like Bowser give their families every day.

Dog sitting on a register.

We’re showing our gratitude by making a donation in Bowser’s name to the Erie Humane Society special needs fund. You can show your gratitude too by making a donation of your own to a local, no-kill shelter in your community.

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